Here's a basic SSE4.1 implementation:
__m128 factor = _mm_set1_ps(1.0f / value);
for (int i = 0; i < W*H; i += 8)
// Load 8 16-bit ushorts.
// vi = {a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h}
__m128i vi = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(source + i));
// Convert to 32-bit integers
// vi0 = {a,0,b,0,c,0,d,0}
// vi1 = {e,0,f,0,g,0,h,0}
__m128i vi0 = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(vi);
__m128i vi1 = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(_mm_unpackhi_epi64(vi,vi));
// Convert to float
__m128 vf0 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(vi0);
__m128 vf1 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(vi1);
// Multiply
vf0 = _mm_mul_ps(vf0,factor);
vf1 = _mm_mul_ps(vf1,factor);
// Store
_mm_store_ps(destination + i + 0,vf0);
_mm_store_ps(destination + i + 4,vf1);
This assumes:
and destination
are both aligned to 16 bytes.
is a multiple of 8.
It's possible to do better by further unrolling this loop. (see below)
The idea here is as follows:
- Load 8 shorts into a single SSE register.
- Split the register into two: One with the bottom 4 shorts and the other with the top 4 shorts.
- Zero-extend both registers into 32-bit integers.
- Convert them both to
- Multiply by the factor.
- Store them into
It's been a while since I've done this type of optimization, so I went ahead and unrolled the loops.
Core i7 920 @ 3.5 GHz
Visual Studio 2012 - Release x64:
Original Loop : 4.374 seconds
Vectorize no unroll: 1.665
Vectorize unroll 2 : 1.416
Further unrolling resulted in diminishing returns.
Here's the test code:
#include <smmintrin.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <malloc.h>
using namespace std;
void default_loop(float *destination,const short* source,float value,int size){
float factor = 1.0f / value;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
int value = source[i];
destination[i] = value*factor;
void vectorize8_unroll1(float *destination,const short* source,float value,int size){
__m128 factor = _mm_set1_ps(1.0f / value);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i += 8)
// Load 8 16-bit ushorts.
__m128i vi = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(source + i));
// Convert to 32-bit integers
__m128i vi0 = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(vi);
__m128i vi1 = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(_mm_unpackhi_epi64(vi,vi));
// Convert to float
__m128 vf0 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(vi0);
__m128 vf1 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(vi1);
// Multiply
vf0 = _mm_mul_ps(vf0,factor);
vf1 = _mm_mul_ps(vf1,factor);
// Store
_mm_store_ps(destination + i + 0,vf0);
_mm_store_ps(destination + i + 4,vf1);
void vectorize8_unroll2(float *destination,const short* source,float value,int size){
__m128 factor = _mm_set1_ps(1.0f / value);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i += 16)
__m128i a0 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(source + i + 0));
__m128i a1 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(source + i + 8));
// Split into two registers
__m128i b0 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(a0,a0);
__m128i b1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(a1,a1);
// Convert to 32-bit integers
a0 = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(a0);
b0 = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(b0);
a1 = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(a1);
b1 = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(b1);
// Convert to float
__m128 c0 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(a0);
__m128 d0 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(b0);
__m128 c1 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(a1);
__m128 d1 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(b1);
// Multiply
c0 = _mm_mul_ps(c0,factor);
d0 = _mm_mul_ps(d0,factor);
c1 = _mm_mul_ps(c1,factor);
d1 = _mm_mul_ps(d1,factor);
// Store
_mm_store_ps(destination + i + 0,c0);
_mm_store_ps(destination + i + 4,d0);
_mm_store_ps(destination + i + 8,c1);
_mm_store_ps(destination + i + 12,d1);
void print_sum(const float *destination,int size){
float sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
sum += destination[i];
cout << sum << endl;
int main(){
int size = 8000;
short *source = (short*)_mm_malloc(size * sizeof(short), 16);
float *destination = (float*)_mm_malloc(size * sizeof(float), 16);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
source[i] = i;
float value = 1.1;
int iterations = 1000000;
clock_t start;
// Default Loop
start = clock();
for (int it = 0; it < iterations; it++){
cout << (double)(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
// Vectorize 8, no unroll
start = clock();
for (int it = 0; it < iterations; it++){
cout << (double)(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
// Vectorize 8, unroll 2
start = clock();
for (int it = 0; it < iterations; it++){
cout << (double)(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;