Lots of discussions here about when RVO can be done but not much about when it is actually done. As stated may times, RVO can not be guaranteed according to the Standard but is there a way to guarantee that either RVO optimization succeeds or the corresponding code fails to compile?
So far I partially succeeded to make the code issue link errors when RVO fails. For this I declare the copy constructors without defining them. Obviously this is neither robust nor feasible in the non rare cases where I need to implement one or both copy constructors, i.e. x(x&&)
and x(x const&)
This brings me to my second question: Why have the compiler writers chosen to enable RVO when user defined copy constructors are in place but not when only default copy constructors are present?
Third question: Is there some other way to enable RVO for plain data structures?
Last question (promise): Do you know any compiler that makes my test code behave other then I observed with gcc and clang?
Here is some example code for gcc 4.6, gcc 4.8 and clang 3.3 that shows the problem. The behavior does not depend on general optimization or debug settings. Of course option --no-elide-constructors
does what it says, i.e. turns RVO off.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct x
x () { cout << "original x address" << this << endl; }
x make_x ()
return x();
struct y
y () { cout << "original y address" << this << endl; }
// Any of the next two constructors will enable RVO even if only
// declared but not defined. Default constructors will not do!
y(y const & rhs);
y(y && rhs);
y make_y ()
return y();
int main ()
auto x1 = make_x();
cout << "copy of x address" << &x1 << endl;
auto y1 = make_y();
cout << "copy of y address" << &y1 << endl;
original x address0x7fff8ef01dff
copy of x address0x7fff8ef01e2e
original y address0x7fff8ef01e2f
copy of y address0x7fff8ef01e2f
RVO seems also not to work with plain data structures:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct x
int a;
x make_x ()
x tmp;
cout << "original x address" << &tmp << endl;
return tmp;
int main ()
auto x1 = make_x();
cout << "copy of x address" << &x1 << endl;
original x address0x7fffe7bb2320
copy of x address0x7fffe7bb2350
UPDATE: Note that some optimizations are very easily confused with RVO. Constructor helpers like make_x
are an example. See this example where the optimization is actually enforced by the standard.