I am using Python 3.4.3 | Anaconda 2.3.0 (x86_64) on OS X 10.10.5 and following these instructions to install MATLAB Engine for Python. Installation seems to succeed, but upon launching python & attempting to import, I see the following:
Python 3.4.3 |Anaconda 2.3.0 (x86_64)| (default, Oct 20 2015, 14:27:51)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5577)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import matlab.engine
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/tyler/.local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matlab/engine/__init__.py", line 42, in <module>
pythonengine = importlib.import_module("matlabengineforpython"+_PYTHONVERSION)
File "/Users/tyler/anaconda/lib/python3.4/importlib/__init__.py", line 109, in import_module
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2254, in _gcd_import
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2237, in _find_and_load
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2224, in _find_and_load_unlocked
ImportError: No module named 'matlabengineforpython3_4'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/tyler/.local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matlab/engine/__init__.py", line 58, in <module>
pythonengine = importlib.import_module("matlabengineforpython"+_PYTHONVERSION)
File "/Users/tyler/anaconda/lib/python3.4/importlib/__init__.py", line 109, in import_module
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2254, in _gcd_import
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2237, in _find_and_load
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2226, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1191, in _load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1161, in _load_backward_compatible
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 539, in _check_name_wrapper
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1715, in load_module
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 321, in _call_with_frames_removed
ImportError: dlopen(/Applications/MATLAB_R2015b.app/extern/engines/python/dist/matlab/engine/maci64/matlabengineforpython3_4.so, 2): Library not loaded: @rpath/libpython3.4m.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/MATLAB_R2015b .app/extern/engines/python/dist/matlab/engine/maci64/matlabengineforpython3_4.so
Reason: image not found
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Users/tyler/.local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matlab/engine/__init__.py", line 60, in <module>
raise EnvironmentError('The installation of MATLAB Engine for Python is '
OSError: The installation of MATLAB Engine for Python is corrupted. Please reinstall it or contact MathWorks Technical Support for assistance.
While researching this issue, I found several other references to this exact issue on MathWorks' website, all without a resolution. The final link suggests the problem may be with dynamic linking.
Given how many scientific toolboxes are only available in MATLAB, it would be of great use to be able to call this engine using Anaconda. While there are other packages available that support this functionality, they invariably have limitations or other complexity like a client-server architecture.
Any suggestions are most welcome.
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