This operation is known as compress right. It is implemented as part of BMI2 as the PEXT
instruction, in Intel processors as of Haswell.
Unfortunately, without hardware support is it a quite annoying operation. Of course there is an obvious solution, just moving the bits one by one in a loop, here is the one given by Hackers Delight:
unsigned compress(unsigned x, unsigned m) {
unsigned r, s, b; // Result, shift, mask bit.
r = 0;
s = 0;
do {
b = m & 1;
r = r | ((x & b) << s);
s = s + b;
x = x >> 1;
m = m >> 1;
} while (m != 0);
return r;
But there is an other way, also given by Hackers Delight, which does less looping (number of iteration logarithmic in the number of bits) but more per iteration:
unsigned compress(unsigned x, unsigned m) {
unsigned mk, mp, mv, t;
int i;
x = x & m; // Clear irrelevant bits.
mk = ~m << 1; // We will count 0's to right.
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
mp = mk ^ (mk << 1); // Parallel prefix.
mp = mp ^ (mp << 2);
mp = mp ^ (mp << 4);
mp = mp ^ (mp << 8);
mp = mp ^ (mp << 16);
mv = mp & m; // Bits to move.
m = m ^ mv | (mv >> (1 << i)); // Compress m.
t = x & mv;
x = x ^ t | (t >> (1 << i)); // Compress x.
mk = mk & ~mp;
return x;
Notice that a lot of the values there depend only on m
. Since you only have 512 different masks, you could precompute those and simplify the code to something like this (not tested)
unsigned compress(unsigned x, int maskindex) {
unsigned t;
int i;
x = x & masks[maskindex][0];
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
t = x & masks[maskindex][i + 1];
x = x ^ t | (t >> (1 << i));
return x;
Of course all of these can be turned into "not a loop" by unrolling, the second and third ways are probably more suitable for that. That's a bit of cheat however.