ASP.NET Core 5 with ASP.NET Identity 3.0, I'm using both web pages and apis. I am using OpenIddict to issue a JWT token and to authenticate. My code looks as such:
X509Certificate2 c = new X509Certificate2(@"tokensign.p12", "MyCertificatePassword");
services.AddOpenIddict<WebUser, IdentityRole<int>, WebDbContext, int>()
If I disable UseJsonWebTokens(), I can generate a token and authorise successfully. However, I am not sure that my certificate is validating the returned tokens.
And when enable UseJsonWebTokens, I am able to issue a JWT token at this end point. However, I can't authenticate any request!
I am using the following code in the app configuration:
app.UseJwtBearerAuthentication(new JwtBearerOptions
AutomaticAuthenticate = true,
AutomaticChallenge = true,
RequireHttpsMetadata = false,
Authority = "http://localhost:60000/",
Audience = "http://localhost:60000/",
- How can I enforce the request to be validated with my certificate to make sure the JWT token is not tampered with.
- What are the correct settings that will allow validation and authorisation of my JWT token, given that if I am not using JWT, I am getting authorised successfully.