I have been using the AddressBook api of the iPhone for some time now. But doing some refactoring to improve application performance I have decided to "reuse" the ABAddressBookRef returned by AddressBookCreate because I noticed there are large performance improvements doing that. However, I am getting EXEC_BAD_ACCESS errors now randomly, and I think the reason is in this "caveat" in the iPhone reference implementation: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/ContactData/Conceptual/AddressBookProgrammingGuideforiPhone/300-BasicObjects/BasicObjects.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007744-CH3-SW1
Important: Instances of ABAddressBookRef cannot be used by multiple threads. Each thread must make its own instance by calling ABAddressBookCreate.
Now, I thought that simply meant it was not thread-safe so I had to synchronise access to the API, but maybe I am wrong, and there is some other reasons multiple threads mess up the data structure?
Can someone confirm if it is indeed a thread-safe issue (so @synchronize should work) or some other issue?
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