I'm trying to get some data about Disneyland's hotels and I'm stuck here with architects. On of the hotels has two architects. As you can see I've tried to concatinate architects and group othe selected items. But I'm not getting their labels instead I'm getting their URI. What am I missing?
SELECT DISTINCT ?hotel ?hotelLabel ?openingDateLabel ?countryLabel
(group_concat(?architects;separator=", ") as ?architect)
?hotel wdt:P31 wd:Q27686; # vi leder efter noget, som er "instance of" et hotel
wdt:P361 wd:Q206521; # og som er "part of" Disneyland Paris
wdt:P1619 ?openingDate;
wdt:P495 ?country;
wdt:P84 ?architects.
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
?hotel rdfs:label ?hotelLabel .
?openingDate rdfs:label ?openingDateLabel .
?country rdfs:label ?countryLabel .
?architect rdfs:label ?architectLabel .
Group by ?hotel ?hotelLabel ?openingDateLabel ?countryLabel