I've got a vector of binary numbers. I know the consecutive length of each group of objects; how can I split based on that information (without for loop)?
x = c("1","0","1","0","0","0","0","0","1")
.length = c(group1 = 2,group2=4, group3=3)
is the binary number vector that I need to split. .length
is the information that I am given. .length
essentially tells me that the first group has 2 elements and they are the first two elements 1,0
. The second group has 4
elements and contain the 4 numbers that follow the group 1 numbers, 1,0,0,0
, etc.
Is there a way of splitting that and returning the splitted item in to a list?
The ugly way is to do with via a for loop keep track of the current cumsum, but I am looking for a more elegant way if there is one.
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