Weeks ago (and in a fog), I needed to make some changes to something hosted at github. I was directed by someone-who-knows-more-than-me (SWKMTM) via phone on exactly what to type in order to configure, pull down, modify, push back and then activate things. Part of this involved issuing instructions to git
that said I as SWKMTM.
Now that I've had time to learn a bit about git/github (as well as to recall my github login information), I've gone back and tried to substitute my identity for SWKMTM on my client machine (a la git config --global user.name
and git config --global user.email
). After doing this, I can perform the same update activities as before. However, I have yet to be prompted to enter my github password (i.e., there is NO request to enter my github password). I'm assuming that something has been cached identifying me as SWKMTM (and that I must've done something in the earlier fog that involved entering SWKMTM's github password) -- either locally or by implicitly sending my SSH public key.
I've searched around in vain for .*rc files and configuration directories for anything that resembles credentials that might be associated with SWKMTM (in hopes of dispatching said credentials and forcing git to prompt for new ones). I've similarly failed to find anything at github that might tell if there is some sort of aliasing for public keys (and how it might be purged).
I've also tried the advised "git config -l" for any credential helper and have found none.
How can I force github to forget that I've been masquerading as SWKMTM?
[sidenote: this is on MacOS with no indication in config files that credential-osxkeychain is used. Only after using GIT_TRACE=1
on a push was it obvious where the credentialing was stored.]