A few years back I discovered a hack that allows you to force Visual C++ to link libraries with a specific precedence. This is not elegant, but it is functional.
It seems that the linker for Visual C++ generates link order on the fly based on symbol dependencies. By adding a symbol reference up-front, you can force the linker to include the first library specified in the linker input. Please note, I have only tested this with Visual C++ 6 and 8 (2005).
Let's say for example that you have two libraries with the symbol XML_ParserCreate:
- libexpat.lib - XML_ParserCreate
- someother.lib - OtherSymbolsYouNeed, XML_ParserCreate
First, order your library dependencies as you would expect, libexpat.lib and then someother.lib. Via command line these would be options to link.exe
. In Visual Studio 2005, they would be options under the project's Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies. I would imagine Visual C++ 2010 has a similar menu.
Next, add a command line option that defines a known repeated symbol up-front, by using the /INCLUDE linker option. In Visual Studio 2005, this can be added under the project's Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Command Line -> Additional options:
/out some.exe ... libexpat.lib someother.lib
The definition of this symbol will cause the linker to immediately prefer the first library that terminates (realizes) it. In general Visual C++ will generate an error with repeated symbols; if you haven't already, make sure you are also specifying the /FORCE:MULTIPLE linker option.
My specific need for this was using the DUMA memory debugging library. It defines a variety of memory functions that are also defined in libcmtd.lib. The following would incorrectly link libcmtd's version of _malloc, despite a library order that seems to the contrary:
/out some.exe ... duma.lib libcmtd.lib
This was resolved by manually adding the symbol, and has worked reliably for years:
/out some.exe ... duma.lib libcmtd.lib