I have 8 data frames that I want to add a column called 'park
', then fill this column in w/ a value that comes from the last four characters of the dataframe
name. Here are two of my eight data frames:
water_land_by_ownname_apis <- structure(list(OWNERNAME = c("Forest Service (USFS)", "Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)",
"State Department of Natural Resources", "Private Landowner",
"National Park Service (NPS)", "Unknown", "Private Institution",
"Native American Land"), WATER = c(696600, 9900, 1758600, 26100,
112636800, 1586688300, 0, 11354400), LAND = c(258642900, 997200,
41905800, 2536200, 165591900, 1075917600, 461700, 314052300)), class = "data.frame", .Names = c("OWNERNAME",
"WATER", "LAND"), data_types = c("C", "F", "F"), row.names = c("1",
"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"))
water_land_by_ownname_indu <- structure(list(OWNERNAME = c("The Nature Conservancy (TNC)",
"Other State Land", "Private Institution", "State Department of Transportation",
"State Department of Natural Resources", "Unknown", "National Park Service (NPS)",
"Private Landowner", "Joint Ownership", "Private Non-profit",
"Land Trust"), WATER = c(24300, 1018800, 5282100, 0, 12600, 19192500,
802800, 139500, 0, 0, 0), LAND = c(719100, 10045800, 12556800,
900, 2018700, 1446426000, 42484500, 5769900, 38700, 852300, 70200
)), class = "data.frame", .Names = c("OWNERNAME", "WATER", "LAND"
), data_types = c("C", "F", "F"), row.names = c("1", "2", "3",
"4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11"))
Which look like this...
> water_land_by_ownname_apis
1 Forest Service (USFS) 696600 258642900
2 Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) 9900 997200
3 State Department of Natural Resources 1758600 41905800
4 Private Landowner 26100 2536200
5 National Park Service (NPS) 112636800 165591900
6 Unknown 1586688300 1075917600
7 Private Institution 0 461700
8 Native American Land 11354400 314052300
> water_land_by_ownname_indu
1 The Nature Conservancy (TNC) 24300 719100
2 Other State Land 1018800 10045800
3 Private Institution 5282100 12556800
4 State Department of Transportation 0 900
5 State Department of Natural Resources 12600 2018700
6 Unknown 19192500 1446426000
7 National Park Service (NPS) 802800 42484500
8 Private Landowner 139500 5769900
9 Joint Ownership 0 38700
10 Private Non-profit 0 852300
11 Land Trust 0 70200
For each dataframe, I want to add a column ('park') and fill this column with the last four characters of the data frame name. For example...
water_land_by_ownname_apis$park <- 'apis'
water_land_by_ownname_indu$park <- 'indu'
Resulting in this...
> water_land_by_ownname_apis
1 Forest Service (USFS) 696600 258642900 apis
2 Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) 9900 997200 apis
3 State Department of Natural Resources 1758600 41905800 apis
4 Private Landowner 26100 2536200 apis
5 National Park Service (NPS) 112636800 165591900 apis
6 Unknown 1586688300 1075917600 apis
7 Private Institution 0 461700 apis
8 Native American Land 11354400 314052300 apis
> water_land_by_ownname_indu
1 The Nature Conservancy (TNC) 24300 719100 indu
2 Other State Land 1018800 10045800 indu
3 Private Institution 5282100 12556800 indu
4 State Department of Transportation 0 900 indu
5 State Department of Natural Resources 12600 2018700 indu
6 Unknown 19192500 1446426000 indu
7 National Park Service (NPS) 802800 42484500 indu
8 Private Landowner 139500 5769900 indu
9 Joint Ownership 0 38700 indu
10 Private Non-profit 0 852300 indu
11 Land Trust 0 70200 indu
Then, rbind them together....
water_land_by_ownname <- rbind (water_land_by_ownname_apis, water_land_by_ownname_indu)
Then, remove prior data frames from memory...
rm (water_land_by_ownname_apis,water_land_by_ownname_indu)
See Question&Answers more detail:os