I have the same problem as the user in Visual Studio 2015 c++/CLI boost::thread : If I use boost, Windows Forms and C++/Cli together, my app crashes on startup.
The proposed solution works for me (change Subsystem to Console); the only small disadvantage is that the console is started alongside the GUI.
There is another solution I've found (see https://bytes.com/topic/net/answers/642179-c-cli-winforms-app-native-static-library-singletons-cra) : Changing the entry point to "?mainCRTStartupStrArray@@$$FYMHP$01AP$AAVString@System@@@Z".
However this only works when compiling for 32 bit; for 64 bit the symbol cannot be resolved. My questions:
- Is there a similar symbol that works for x64 as well?
- How could one find these kind of symbols? I tried to locate them via dumpbin but with no success!