I'm learning to build my own packages using RStudio. The current .tar.gz
for the package (named SteenSubsSpec
) is here. Currently the Build & Reload
command appears to build & Roxygen-ize the package successfully. However, the functions do not appear to be loaded into memory, despite the fact Build & Reload
successfully updates the documentation. What am I doing wrong?
Build & Reload
give the following output:
==> roxygenize('.', roclets=c('rd'))
- checking for changes ... DONE
==> R CMD build SteenSubsSpec
* checking for file ‘SteenSubsSpec/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* preparing ‘SteenSubsSpec’:
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* excluding invalid files
Subdirectory 'R' contains invalid file names:
‘2013_08_30_report-concordance.tex’ ‘2013_08_30_report.Rnw’
‘2013_08_30_report.log’ ‘2013_08_30_report.pdf’
‘2013_08_30_report.synctex.gz’ ‘2013_08_30_report.tex’
* checking for LF line-endings in source and make files
* checking for empty or unneeded directories
Removed empty directory ‘SteenSubsSpec/inst’
* building ‘SteenSubsSpec_1.0.tar.gz’
Source package written to ~/Dropbox/[my directory]
This updates the documentation: ?write_paper()
displays the current documentation as expected. However
gives Error: could not find function "write_paper"
Some things that seem to be correct:
- All function files are in the
directory, and have the same name as their definition (e.g/R/write_paper.R
defineswrite_paper() <- function {...
- The
file contains the names of all the relevant function files:Collate: ... 'write_paper.R
How can I troubleshoot this?
See Question&Answers more detail:os