This is my attempt to cut through extraneous issues raised "Why don’t my system calls work in the Perl program I wrap with pp?" I have created a simple Perl script on a linux system:
new-net:~/scripts # cat
@ls_out = `ls -l`;
map { print "$_
" } @ls_out;
$out = `sh`;
print "$out
This script calls a simple shell file:
new-net:~/scripts # cat
echo "I'm here"
I used pp to pack the Perl script along with the shell script into ls_test:
new-net:~/test # unzip -l ls_test Archive: ls_test Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 0 07-13-09 16:41 script/ 436 07-13-09 16:41 MANIFEST 214 07-13-09 16:41 META.yml 93 07-13-09 16:41 script/ 538 07-13-09 16:41 script/ 16 07-13-09 16:20 -------- ------- 1297 6 files
If I run the packed file in an otherwise empty directory, the shell script is not found:
new-net:~/test # ./ls_test total 3391 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3466177 Jul 13 16:41 ls_test sh: No such file or directory
If I copy the shell script into the directory, the packed script runs as expected:
new-net:~/test # ./ls_test
total 3395 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3466177 Jul 13 16:41 ls_test -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16 Jul 13 16:20 I'm here
So, where does a pp
packed script expect to find an included file? And how should a call to that included file be configured in the original Perl script?