I'm producing a solutions manual for a book, using .Rmd files with the following YAML header:
title: "DDAR: Solutions and Hints for Exercises"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
reference_docx: solutions-setup.docx
where I control the general layout of the document with the reference_docx
to get an output Word document.
There will be many figures, and I'd like to set some global graphics parameters to give relatively tight bounding boxes and reasonable font sizes in the figures without having to tweak each one from what I see in a PDF document.
I tried the following, but the par()
setting doesn't seem to have any effect:
{r setup, echo=FALSE}
Instead I get images like the following in my document with larger bounding boxes than I would like and with much larger font sizes than I would like.
I know how to control all this in .Rnw files produced with LaTeX, but I
can't find how to do it in .Rmd -> Word. Is there a chunk hook I could
use? I don't think that there is an out.width
chunk option that re-scales
a figure as in LaTeX.