is indeed the solution as I already recommended in my comment. I was not fully sure about this but QPainter::transform()
even covers drawn images deforming the original image rectangle respectively. (Otherwise, I had applied the transformation to the QImage
However, while making a small sample I realized that's only half of the story.
A small Qt sample application was done ASAP but I struggled to find a way to setup the transformation properly.
By the way I had to realize that translate()
, scale()
, and shear()
are at best good for a 3 point deformation. A 4 point deformation may introduce perspective distortion as well. Hence, project()
may be needed also. Feeling, that I had reached the border of my personal math capabilities I googled how other guys have solved that and found
Calculates a perspective transform from four pairs of the corresponding points.
That sounded promising. Having a look into the (not so long) implementation of cv::getPerspectiveTransform()
, I realized that they made a linear equation and used a solver to yield the respective transformation.
So, I did another search on google and found an IMHO straight-forward implementation by Martin Thoma Solving linear equations with Gaussian elimination. (I somehow remember that I must have heard about Gaussian elimination in my math lessons but that's decades ago, and I never have needed this in daily business since then.)
So, this is what I did for a solver (applying minor stylistic changes to the original code of Martin Thoma) – solveLin.h
#ifndef SOLVE_LIN_H
#define SOLVE_LIN_H
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
template <typename VALUE>
class MatrixT {
typedef VALUE Value;
std::vector<Value> _values;
size_t _nCols;
explicit MatrixT(
size_t nRows, size_t nCols, const Value &value = Value()):
_values(nRows * nCols, value),
{ }
explicit MatrixT(
size_t nRows, size_t nCols,
std::initializer_list<Value> values):
_values(/*assert(values.size() == nRows * nCols),*/ values),
{ }
~MatrixT() = default;
MatrixT(const MatrixT&) = default;
MatrixT& operator=(const MatrixT&) = default;
size_t cols() const { return _nCols; }
size_t rows() const { return _values.size() / _nCols; }
const Value* operator[](size_t row) const
assert(row < rows());
return &_values[row * _nCols];
Value* operator[](const size_t row)
return (Value*)((const MatrixT&)*this)[row];
/** strongly inspired by (not to say: shamelessly copied from)
* Martin Thoma "Solving linear equations with Gaussian elimination"
* https://martin-thoma.com/solving-linear-equations-with-gaussian-elimination/
template <typename VALUE>
std::vector<VALUE> gauss(MatrixT<VALUE> mat)
typedef VALUE Value;
const size_t n = mat.rows();
assert(mat.cols() == n + 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// search for max. value in this column
Value maxI = std::abs(mat[i][i]);
size_t iMax = i;
for (size_t k = i + 1; k < n; ++k) {
const Value maxK = std::abs(mat[k][i]);
if (maxI < maxK) maxI = maxK, iMax = k;
// swap max. row with current row
mat[i] + i, mat[i] + n + 1,
mat[iMax] + i);
// make all rows below this one 0 in current column
for (size_t k = i + 1; k < n; ++k) {
const Value c = mat[k][i] / mat[i][i];
for (size_t j = i; j < n + 1; ++j) {
if (i == j) mat[k][j] = (Value)0;
else mat[k][j] -= c * mat[i][j];
// solve equation Ax=b for an upper triangular matrix A
std::vector<Value> x(n);
for (size_t i = n; i--;) {
x[i] = mat[i][n] / mat[i][i];
for (size_t k = i; k--;) {
mat[k][n] -= mat[k][i] * x[i];
// done
return x;
#endif // SOLVE_LIN_H
The main application testQImage4Point.cc
#include <QtWidgets>
#include "solveLin.h"
/* strongly inspired by (not to say: shamelessly copied from)
* cv::Mat cv::getPerspectiveTransform(
* const Point2f src[], const Point2f dst[], int solveMethod)
QTransform xform4Point(
const QPoint quad0[4], const QPoint quad1[4])
qDebug() << "quad0:" << quad0[0] << quad0[1] << quad0[2] << quad0[3];
qDebug() << "quad1:" << quad1[0] << quad1[1] << quad1[2] << quad1[3];
typedef MatrixT<double> Matrix;
Matrix mat(8, 9, 0.0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
mat[i][0] = mat[i + 4][3] = quad0[i].x();
mat[i][1] = mat[i + 4][4] = quad0[i].y();
mat[i][2] = mat[i + 4][5] = 1.0;
mat[i][6] = -quad0[i].x() * quad1[i].x();
mat[i][7] = -quad0[i].y() * quad1[i].x();
mat[i + 4][6] = -quad0[i].x() * quad1[i].y();
mat[i + 4][7] = -quad0[i].y() * quad1[i].y();
mat[i][8] = quad1[i].x();
mat[i + 4][8] = quad1[i].y();
std::vector<double> result = gauss(mat);
return QTransform(
result[0], result[3], result[6],
result[1], result[4], result[7],
result[2], result[5], 1.0);
class Canvas: public QWidget {
QImage _qImg;
QTransform _qXform;
QPoint _quadOrig[4];
QPoint _quadXform[4];
int _editMode;
bool _viewXform;
QSize _gripSize;
QPoint *_quadEdit; // pointer to currently edited quad
int _grip; // current grip (in mouse drag)
virtual ~Canvas() = default;
Canvas(const Canvas&) = delete;
Canvas& operator=(const Canvas&) = delete;
const QImage& image() const { return _qImg; }
void setImage(const QImage &qImg);
int editMode() const { return _editMode; }
void setEditMode(int editMode);
bool viewXform() const { return _viewXform; }
void setViewXform(bool enable);
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pQEvent) override;
virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *pQEvent) override;
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *pQEvent) override;
int pickGrip(const QPoint &pos) const;
void drawQuad(QPainter &qPainter, const QPoint quad[4], bool grips);
void drawGrid(QPainter &qPainter);
QPoint(0.25 * width(), 0.25 * height()),
QPoint(0.75 * width(), 0.25 * height()),
QPoint(0.75 * width(), 0.75 * height()),
QPoint(0.25 * width(), 0.75 * height())
_quadOrig[0], _quadOrig[1], _quadOrig[2], _quadOrig[3]
_gripSize(7, 7),
{ }
void Canvas::setImage(const QImage &qImg)
_qImg = qImg;
_quadOrig[0] = QPoint(0.25 * _qImg.width(), 0.25 * _qImg.height());
_quadOrig[1] = QPoint(0.75 * _qImg.width(), 0.25 * _qImg.height());
_quadOrig[2] = QPoint(0.75 * _qImg.width(), 0.75 * _qImg.height());
_quadOrig[3] = QPoint(0.25 * _qImg.width(), 0.75 * _qImg.height());
std::copy(_quadOrig, _quadOrig + 4, _quadXform);
void Canvas::setEditMode(int editMode)
_editMode = editMode;
= _editMode == 0 ? _quadOrig
: _editMode == 1 ? _quadXform
: nullptr;
void Canvas::setViewXform(bool enable)
_viewXform = enable;
void Canvas::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pQEvent)
QPainter qPainter(this);
const QTransform qXformOld = qPainter.transform();
if (_viewXform) qPainter.setTransform(_qXform);
qPainter.drawImage(0, 0, _qImg);
for (int i = 1; i <= 2; ++i) {
switch ((_editMode + i) % 2) {
case 0: // draw orig. quad
drawQuad(qPainter, _quadOrig, _editMode == 0);
case 1:
// draw transformed quad
drawQuad(qPainter, _quadXform, _editMode == 1);
void Canvas::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *pQEvent)
if (pQEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
_grip = pickGrip(pQEvent->pos());
qDebug() << "hit:" << _grip;
void Canvas::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *pQEvent)
if ((pQEvent->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) && _grip >= 0) {
_quadEdit[_grip] = pQEvent->pos();
_qXform = xform4Point(_quadOrig, _quadXform);
qDebug() << "transform:" << _qXform;
int Canvas::pickGrip(const QPoint &pos) const
if (!_quadEdit) return -1;
const QPoint gripOffs(_gripSize.width() / 2, _gripSize.height() / 2);
for (int i = 4; i--;) {
const QRect rect(_quadEdit[i] - gripOffs, _gripSize);
if (rect.contains(pos)) return i;
return -1;
void Canvas::drawQuad(QPainter &qPainter, const QPoint quad[4], bool grips)
qPainter.drawPolygon(quad, 4);
if (grips) {
const QPoint gripOffs(_gripSize.width() / 2, _gripSize.height() / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
qPainter.drawRect(QRect(quad[i] - gripOffs, _gripSize));
void Canvas::drawGrid(QPainter &qPainter)
const int w = _qImg.width() - 1, h = _qImg.height() - 1;
const int n = 5;
for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i) {
const int x = i * w / n, y = i * h / n;
qPainter.drawLine(x, 0, x, h);
qPainter.drawLine(0, y, w, y);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
qDebug() << "Qt Version:" << QT_VERSION_STR;
QApplication app(argc, argv);
// init GUI
QMainWindow winMain;
winMain.setWindowTitle("4 Point Transform");
Canvas canvas;
QToolBar qToolBar;
QActionGroup qTglGrpEdit(&qToolBar);
QAction qTglFrom("Edit From", &qTglGrpEdit);
if (canvas.editMode() == 0) qTglFrom.setChecked(true);
QAction qTglTo("Edit To", &qTglGrpEdit);
if (canvas.editMode() == 1) qTglTo.setChecked(true);
QActionGroup qTglGrpView(&qToolBar);
QAction qTglOrig("View Original", &qTglGrpView);
if (!canvas.viewXform()) qTglOrig.setChecked(true);
QAction qTglXform("View Deformed", &qTglGrpView);
if (canvas.viewXform()) qTglXform.setChecked(true);