Ok, so I posted a question a while back concerning writing an R function to accelerate string matching of large text files. I had my eyes opened to 'data.table' and my question was answered perfectly.
This is the link to that thread which includes all of the data and details:
Accelerate performance and speed of string match in R
But now I am running into another problem. Once in a while, the submitted VIN#s (in the 'vinDB' file) differ by one or two characters in the 'carFile' file due to human error when they fill out their car info at the DMV. Is there a way to edit the
dt[J(car.vins), list(NumTimesFound=.N), by=vin.names]
line of that code (provided by @BrodieG in the above link) to allow for a recognition of VIN#s that differ by one or two characters?
I apologize if this is an easy correction. I am just overwhelmed by the power of the 'data.table' package in R and would love to learn as much as I can of its utility, and the knowledgable members of this forum have been absolutely pivotal to me.
So I have been playing around with using 'lapply' and the 'agrep' functions as suggested and I must be doing something wrong:
I tried replacing this line:
dt[J(car.vins), list(NumTimesFound=.N), by=vin.names]
with this:
dt <- dt[lapply(vin.vins, function(x) agrep(x,car.vins, max.distance=2)), list(NumTimesFound=.N), vin.names, allow.cartesian=TRUE]
But got the following error:
Error in `[.data.table`(dt, lapply(vin.vins, function(x) agrep(x,car.vins, :
x.'vin.vins' is a character column being joined to i.'V1' which is type 'integer'.
Character columns must join to factor or character columns.
But they are both type 'chr'. Does anyone know why I am getting this error? And am I thinking about this the right way, ie: am I using lapply correctly here?
See Question&Answers more detail:os