I have a handlebars template such as this
<script type="text/html" id="some-id">
<div class="some-class-1" {{#if some_condition}}style="color:blue;"{{/if}}>
<div class="some-class-2">
<div class="some-nested-class-1">
<div class="some-class-3">
I want to modify this template for example add another div after div.some-nested-class-1
I used the following code, to parse the template to dom
jQuery(function ($) {
var t = $("#some-id");
var d = $("<div>").html(t.html());
but it changes {{#if}}
as follows :
<div class="some-class-1" {{#if="" some_condition}}style="color:blue;" {{="" if}}="">
<div class="some-class-2">
<div class="some-nested-class-1">
<div class="some-class-3">
Using Chrome and jsfiddle here https://jsfiddle.net/wv7hzx5a/
How can I achieve this without affecting the template?
Many thanks
PS: the template is being compiled in a separate script which I do not have access to change. I want to modify the template so that when the other script compiles it, the new elements will be included.