I am new to the Long-polling requests concept and having an issue with the requests from an Angular project to PHP XAMPP local server. When the request time limit is set to 0 like
The requests stay alive forever. Even after the client reloads the website page or closes the whole tab the request won't stop processing the script and keep repeating it. If the client reloads the website page 10 times then closes the tab, the PHP server will keep processing 10 different requests for no one.
I am wondering how to avoid that or, how to exit the request once the client is not going to receive its response by reloading/leaving the page?
my api code:
$accountId = 1;
$database = DBManager::link();
while (true) {
->value('_accountId', $accountId, DBParams::INT);
if ($database->run()) {
$sqlResults = $database->fetchArray();
$returnValue = $database->getReturnValue();
if ($returnValue == 0) {
// add the new notifications to the response and exit
} else {
throw new Exception($database->getError()->message);