We use PowerShell to set up an Azure deployment, which, among other Azure resources, creates an app registration.
The simplified code is as follows:
$appRegistration = New-AzADApplication `
-DisplayName $applicationName `
-HomePage "$webAppUrl" `
-IdentifierUris "api://$webAppName";
To it, we add redirect uris, like this:
if ($redirectUris -notcontains "$webAppUrl") {
Write-Host "Adding $webAppUrl to redirect URIs";
if ($redirectUris -notcontains "$webAppUrl/aad-auth") {
Write-Host "Adding $webAppUrl/aad-auth to redirect URIs";
Update-AzADApplication `
-ApplicationId $applicationId `
-IdentifierUris "api://$applicationId" `
-ReplyUrl $redirectUris | Out-Null
This works great, and an app registration with the "web" platform is created. It looks like this:
My question is how can we get these redirect uris to be under the "SPA" platform, using PowerShell? Like in the image below, which was done manually on the Portal.