I am using SQLALCHEMY to execute sql scripts in Oracle database. In past i have used fast_executemany for MSSQL/MYSQL related sql queries and it was very fast. I guess the same method doesn't works for Oracle.
My Query Below:
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
DIALECT = 'oracle'
SQL_DRIVER = 'cx_oracle'
USERNAME = 'dbuser' #enter your username
PASSWORD = 'password'
HOST = 'hostname'
PORT = 1521
SERVICE = 'service' # db service name
ENGINE_PATH_WIN_AUTH = DIALECT + '+' + SQL_DRIVER + '://' + USERNAME + ':' + PASSWORD +'@' + HOST + ':' + str(PORT) + '/?service_name=' + SERVICE
Using the below query giving me error
engine = create_engine(ENGINE_PATH_WIN_AUTH, fast_executemany=True)
TypeError: Invalid argument(s) 'fast_executemany' sent to create_engine(), using configuration OracleDialect_cx_oracle/QueuePool/Engine. Please check that the keyword arguments are appropriate for this combination of components.
If i do not use fast_executemany, i won't get any error. However the execution of the script is slow.
engine = create_engine(ENGINE_PATH_WIN_AUTH)
sql_query = """SELECT col1, col2, col3
FROM Table
WHERE date >= add_months(sysdate, -3)"""
df = pd.read_sql_query(sql_query, engine)
Do let me know if there are other alternative ways to execute sql queries faster in Oracle.