I have an array of the objects. Every single object has another list. How to get the whole list of properties from the list? So as you can see there is a StatioItem array. Each stationItem owns a list of sensorItem objects. I want to get a list of id properties. How to do it?
[StationItem {
id = 114;
stationId = 114;
cityName = Wroc?aw;
addressStreet = ul. Bartnicza;
sensors = List<SensorItem> <0x6000001bb840> (
[0] SensorItem {
id = 642;
stationId = 642;
param = ParamItem {
paramName = dwutlenek azotu;
paramFormula = NO2;
paramCode = NO2;
idParam = 6;
[1] SensorItem {
id = 644;
stationId = 644;
param = ParamItem {
paramName = ozon;
paramFormula = O3;
paramCode = O3;
idParam = 5;
}, StationItem {
id = 70;
stationId = 70;
cityName = O?awa;
addressStreet = ul. ?o?nierzy AK 9;
sensors = List<SensorItem> <0x6000001b7840> (
[0] SensorItem {
id = 397;
stationId = 397;
param = ParamItem {
paramName = dwutlenek azotu;
paramFormula = NO2;
paramCode = NO2;
idParam = 6;
[1] SensorItem {
id = 400;
stationId = 400;
param = ParamItem {
paramName = py? zawieszony PM10;
paramFormula = PM10;
paramCode = PM10;
idParam = 3;
[2] SensorItem {
id = 20214;
stationId = 20214;
param = ParamItem {
paramName = ozon;
paramFormula = O3;
paramCode = O3;
idParam = 5;