I use the PCL library for a project (see here for the official docu). As my cloud viewer does not work properly, I'm required to go into the code of the PCL.
In my context, I would like to know what is the function body of showCloud of the object CloudViewer (see here for the function in the official docu). In the corresponding header file pcl/visualisation/cloud_viewer.h, I only find the function prototype without body. Clicking F12 as hinted in this post only points to the function prototype itsself.
In case of finding errors/debugging, it is always good to know what a function actually does.
So is there a systematic way to find a body of a function prototype? As I started programming with Python, I may miss a C++ way of finding out what's going on behind a function. How would you recommand to find it out? (Except for looking in the docu and googling it).