I want to convert this fetch wrapper to typescript: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/replace-axios-with-a-simple-custom-fetch-wrapper
export async function client(endpoint, { body, ...customConfig } = {}) {
const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
const config = {
method: body ? 'POST' : 'GET',
headers: {
if (body) {
config.body = JSON.stringify(body)
let data
try {
const response = await window.fetch(endpoint, config)
data = await response.json()
if (response.ok) {
return data
throw new Error(response.statusText)
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err.message ? err.message : data)
client.get = function (endpoint, customConfig = {}) {
return client(endpoint, { ...customConfig, method: 'GET' })
client.post = function (endpoint, body, customConfig = {}) {
return client(endpoint, { ...customConfig, body })
However, I am confused about how to type the props. Like, how would one type { body, ...customConfig }