I have created a website using react to calculate trajectory for example : if trajectory or the angle is 30 degree then i need to show it using react line chart or graph. I have written this react code to find out the trajectory:
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import React, { useState } from 'react';
import './input.css';
import LineChart from 'react-linechart';
function Input(props) {
const [riverVelocity, setRiverVelocity] = useState('');
const [personVelocity, setPersonVelocity] = useState('');
const [angleOfSwim, setAngleOfSwim] = useState('');
const [widthOfRiver, setWidthOfRiver] = useState('');
const [degree, setDegree] = useState();
const [timeTaken, setTimeTaken] = useState();
const find = (e) => {
let rVelocity = parseInt(riverVelocity);
let pVelocity = parseInt(personVelocity);
let aSwim = parseInt(angleOfSwim);
let width = parseInt(widthOfRiver);
setDegree((pVelocity * Math.sin(aSwim * Math.PI / 180)) / (rVelocity + (pVelocity * Math.cos(aSwim * Math.PI / 180))))
setTimeTaken(width / (pVelocity * Math.sin(aSwim * Math.PI / 180)))
// time taken = width of river / (person velocity * sin(angle of swim)
console.log("degree=", degree);
console.log("time taken", timeTaken);
const data = [
color: "steelblue",
points: [{x: 4, y: 3}]
return (
<div id="input">
<div id="inputF">
<div class="main">
<p>There is a use case where a person wishes to swim with V velocity across a river with a“X” velocity and Y degree angle from one side of the river bank to another consideringthe width to be “W”. You have to develop a web application which will plot a trajectory ofthe flow and time taken to cross the river?,?where all parameters can be changed viainput box of
<br /> 1.River Velocity - X m/s
<br />2.Person Velocity - V m/s
<br />3.Angle of swim - Y
<br />4.degreeWidth of river - W metre</p>
<form className="form1">
<input className="un" type="text" name="riverVelocity" value={riverVelocity} placeholder="River Velocity" onChange={e => { setRiverVelocity(e.target.value) }}></input>
<input className="un" type="text" name="personVelocity" value={personVelocity} placeholder="Person Velocity" onChange={e => { setPersonVelocity(e.target.value) }}></input>
<input className="un" type="text" name="angleOfSwim" value={angleOfSwim} placeholder="Angle Of Swim" onChange={e => { setAngleOfSwim(e.target.value) }}></input>
<input className="un" type="text" name="widthOfRiver" value={widthOfRiver} placeholder="width Of River" onChange={e => { setWidthOfRiver(e.target.value) }}></input>
<button className="submit" onClick={find}>Solve</button>
<div className="solution">
<h3>Trajectory : {degree}</h3>
<h3 >Time taken : {timeTaken}</h3>
export default Input;