I need to chain sequentially in order Vertx CompositeFutures in a RxJava style for dependent CompositeFuture, avoiding callback hell.
The use case:
Each CompositeFuture.any/all do some async operations that return futures, lets say myList1, myList2, myList3, but I must wait for CompositeFuture.any(myList1) to complete and return success before doing CompositeFuture.any(myList2), and the same from myList2 to myList3. Naturally, the CompositeFuture itself does the jobs async, but just for its set of operations, since the next set have to be done just after the first set goes well.
Doing it in a "callback-hell style" would be:
public static void myFunc(Vertx vertx, Handler<AsyncResult<CompositeFuture>> asyncResultHandler) {
CompositeFuture.any(myList1 < Future >)
.onComplete(ar1 -> {
if (!ar1.succeeded()) {
} else {
CompositeFuture.any(myList2 < Future >)
.onComplete(ar2 -> {
if (!ar2.succeeded()) {
} else {
CompositeFuture.all(myList3 < Future >)
.onComplete(ar3 -> {
Now I tried somenthing like this:
public static void myFunc(Vertx vertx, Handler<AsyncResult<CompositeFuture>> asyncResultHandler) {
.just(CompositeFuture.any(myList1 < Future >))
.flatMap(previousFuture -> rxComposeAny(previousFuture, myList2 < Future >))
.flatMap(previousFuture -> rxComposeAll(previousFuture, myList3 < Future >))
public static Single<CompositeFuture> rxComposeAny(CompositeFuture previousResult, List<Future> myList) {
if (previousResult.failed()) return Single.just(previousResult); // See explanation bellow
CompositeFuture compositeFuture = CompositeFuture.any(myList);
return Single.just(compositeFuture);
public static Single<CompositeFuture> rxComposeAll(CompositeFuture previousResult, List<Future> myList) {
if (previousResult.failed()) return Single.just(previousResult);
CompositeFuture compositeFuture = CompositeFuture.any(myList);
return Single.just(compositeFuture);
Much more compact and clear. But, I am not succeeding in passing the previous fails to the asyncResultHandler.
My idea was as follows: The flatMap passes the previous CompositeFuture result and I want to check if it failed. The next rxComposeAny/All first checks to see if previous failed, if so, just returns the failed CompositeFuture and so on until it hits the handler in the subscriber. If the previous passed the test, I`m ok to continue passing the current result till the last successful CompositeFuture hits the handler.
The problem is that the check
if (previousResult.failed()) return Single.just(previousResult); // See explanation bellow
doesn't work, and all the CompositeFutures are processed, but not tested for successful completion, just the last one ends up being passed to the asyncResultHandler which will test for overall failure (but in the case of my code, it ends up cheking just the last one)
I`m using Vertx 3.9.0 and RxJava 2 Vertx API.
Disclosure: I have experience in Vertx, but I'm totally new in RxJava. So I appreciate any answer, from technical solutions to conceptual explanations.
Thank you.
EDIT (after excellent response of @homerman): I need to have the exact same behavior of the "callback hell style" of sequentially dependent CompositeFutures, ie, the next must be called after onComplete and test for completed with failure or success. The complexity comes from the fact that:
- I have to use vertx CompositeAll/Any methods, not zip. Zip provides behaviour similar to CompositeAll, but not CompositeAny.
- CompositeAll/Any return the completed future just inside onComplete method. If I check it before as showed above, since it is async, I will get unresolved futures.
- CompositeAll/Any if failed will not throw error, but failed future inside onComplete, so I cannot use onError from rxJava.
For example, I tried the following change in the rxComposite function:
public static Single<CompositeFuture> rxLoadVerticlesAny(CompositeFuture previousResult, Vertx vertx, String deploymentName,
List<Class<? extends Verticle>> verticles, JsonObject config) {
previousResult.onComplete(event -> {
if (event.failed()) {
return Single.just(previousResult);
} else {
CompositeFuture compositeFuture = CompositeFuture.any(VertxDeployHelper.deploy(vertx, verticles, config));
return Single.just(compositeFuture);
But naturally it does not compile, since lambda is void. How can I reproduce this exact same behavior it rxJava in Vertx?