Isn't there a better solution than the commented if statement? I'm trying switch case but in this code, I can't hide the div so it's always existing which is wrong. I'm trying to show/hide elements depending on the selected option( it works with if statements but I think there's a cleaner way).
<select name="privileges" id="privileges" class="" onclick="craateUserJsObject.ShowPrivileges();">
<option id="all" value="all">All</option>
<option id="custom" value="custom">Custom</option>
<option id="test1" value="test1">test1</option>
<option id="test2" value="test2">tst2</option>
<div class="resources" style=" display: none;">resources</div>
<div class="test1" style=" display: none;">test1</div>
<div class="test2" style=" display: none;">test2</div>
var Privileges = jQuery('#privileges');
var select = this.value;
**/*Privileges.change(function () {
if ($(this).val() == 'custom') {
else $('.resources').hide();
}); */**
Privileges.change(function () {
case 'custom':
case 'test1':
case 'test2':