I am working on re-engineering an old FORTRAN77 program to Python for a while now.
I'm running into an issue, though: when dividing by zero, it appears that the FORTRAN program just continues processing the data without issue.(不过,我遇到了一个问题:当被零除时,似乎FORTRAN程序只是继续处理数据而没有问题。)
However, predictably it causes an issue in Python.(但是,可以预料的是,这会在Python中引起问题。)
I'm not able to find a discussion about this on any official channel for F77, and I only have an old version of the source code for the program I am translating that I can't get to compile.(我无法在F77的任何官方频道上找到有关此问题的讨论,并且我只有正在翻译的程序的旧版本源代码,无法编译。)
TL;DR: How does F77 handle division by zero for the following cases?:
(TL; DR:在以下情况下,F77如何处理被零除?:)
- REAL division
- INT division
- The numerator is also zero (eg 0./0.)