I have this data frame:
Position FLK
75.38 1.653608512
75.45 2.404366644
75.47 4.281285701
75.48 5.457803236
75.56 4.281285701
75.61 3.348777004
75.63 5.457803236
75.67 4.281285701
75.70 2.863168526
75.74 2.404366644
75.75 2.863168526
75.78 2.863168526
75.93 3.348777004
75.96 2.863168526
75.99 2.863168526
76.07 0.167253206
76.11 2.863168526
76.14 2.863168526
I used this script for heatmap plotting in Seaborn:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv("D.txt",delimiter=r"s+",header=0)
and then get this figure:
I want to know how can I keep some x-ticks (0,2,3,4,5,6,12,15) in this plot, like this: