I am wondering if there is a way in Julia DataFrames to join multiple data frames in one go,
using DataFrames
employer = DataFrame(
ID = Array{Int64}([01,02,03,04,05,09,11,20]),
name = Array{String}(["Matthews","Daniella", "Kofi", "Vladmir", "Jean", "James", "Ayo", "Bill"])
salary = DataFrame(
ID = Array{Int64}([01,02,03,04,05,06,08,23]),
amount = Array{Int64}([2050,3000,3500,3500,2500,3400,2700,4500])
hours = DataFrame(
ID = Array{Int64}([01,02,03,04,05,08,09,23]),
time = Array{Int64}([40,40,40,40,40,38,45,50])
# I tried adding them in an array but ofcoures that results in an error
empSalHrs = innerjoin([employer,salary,hours], on = :ID)
# In python you can achieve this using
import pandas as pd
from functools import reduce
df = reduce(lambda l,r : pd.merge(l,r, on = "ID"), [employer, salary, hours])
Is there a similar way to do this in julia?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65649732/joining-multiple-data-frames