I am trying to run my Cucumber tests in parallel after following a tutorial but in my debug it keeps returning that the MavenParallelExecution = false
My pom.xml file for the plugin is as follows
<!--UNCOMMENT - To add any exclusions if required-->
<!--<excludes> <exclude>**/*IT*.java</exclude> </excludes>-->
<!-- UNCOMMENT BELOW LINE - To execute feature files with a single runner -->
<!-- UNCOMMENT BELOW LINE - To execute feature files with multiple runners-->
<!--<include>**/*MyTestRunner.java</include> -->
<!-- UNCOMMENT BELOW 3 LINES - To execute using parallel or combination option -->
<!-- <perCoreThreadCount>true</perCoreThreadCount> -->
<!-- UNCOMMENT BELOW 3 LINES - To execute using forking or combination option-->
<!-- <forkCount>2</forkCount><reuseForks>true</reuseForks><reportsDirectory>${project.build.directory}/failsafe-reports_${surefire.forkNumber}</reportsDirectory>-->
My debug log returns:
[DEBUG] (f) excludedEnvironmentVariables = []
[DEBUG] (f) forkCount = 1
[DEBUG] (s) forkMode = once
[DEBUG] (s) forkedProcessExitTimeoutInSeconds = 30
[DEBUG] (s) includes = [**/MyTestRunner.java]
[DEBUG] (s) junitArtifactName = junit:junit
[DEBUG] (s) parallel = both
[DEBUG] (f) parallelMavenExecution = false
[DEBUG] (s) parallelOptimized = true
[DEBUG] (s) perCoreThreadCount = true
And my Runner class is as follows:
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
features = {"src/test/resources/AppFeatures"},
glue = {"stepdefinitions", "AppHooks"},
monochrome = true,
plugin = {"pretty",
public class MyTestRunner {
Am I doing something wrong here? I changed it to be exactly the same as the tutorial at this point but it's still broken
Thanks for any help
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66068321/maven-wont-run-cucumber-tests-in-parallel