I am using nest.js with knex and try to make error handler for my application. So I can update my data in database using this code:
const updatedProject = await this.knex('projects')
.update('name', body.name) // body.name id new name which come from frontend
.where('id', id) // id also come from frotend and I compare this id and id in database
return updatedProject[0];
But if I try to update the project whith id which don't exist I have not any errors. I try catch them by this way but this is didn't work
const updatedProject = await this.knex('projects')
.update('name', body.name)
.where('id', id)
.catch((error) => console.error(error));
return updatedProject[0];
How can I create and catch error if reqest is wrong?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66062736/how-to-handle-errors-using-knex-js