I am trying to run following Neo4j cypher Query:
MATCH (m:Person { id: '$id'})-[:FOLLOWS]->(f:Person)
CALL apoc.cypher.run('WITH {f} as f
MATCH (f)-[:HAS_ACTIVITY]->(la:Activity)-[:NEXT*0..]->(act:Activity)
RETURN act LIMIT 10', {f:f}) YIELD value
WITH value.act as act, f
MATCH (act:Activity)-[:HAS_OBJECT]->(obj:MediaItem) WHERE NOT(obj.readPermission='PUBLIC')
OPTIONAL MATCH (act)-[:HAS_TARGET]->(t:Person) with act,f,obj,t
WHERE t is null or not labels(t) in ['Group'] with act.aggregationId as agg,
act.aggregationType as aggType,collect({ activity : act, object : obj, target : t}) as
aggregationActivity,collect(act) as aggregationActivity1,collect(distinct f) as friendlist
WITH agg,aggType,aggregationActivity,friendlist,head(aggregationActivity1) as
a1 OPTIONAL MATCH (ow:Person {id:a1.ownerId})
RETURN agg,ow,friendlist, a1.published as x, aggregationActivity
In the above query, I am trying to filter out first 10 activities inside APOC procedure(ref: https://neo4j.com/developer/kb/limiting-match-results-per-row/) so that the remaining execution happens on the relevant results. But the value yielded from APOC procedure is having more than 10 results. How can I get LIMIT working inside my APOC procedure. Neo4j Version: 3.0.6 APOC Procedure version:
Please find attached PROFILE and EXPLAIN screenshot: PROFILE EXPLAIN