I am trying to get remote host value which is remotehost . I decoded the json and able to get $name and $id values. but getting
Bad index while coercing array into hash while accessing 'remote -> host value which is remotehost.
my $json input is
"req": "1234",
"link": "http://localhost"
"host": "localhost",
"name": "mytest",
"remote": [
"host": "remotehost",
"name": "remotetest"
#My code
use JSON qw( decode_json );
use Data::Dumper;
my $list = decode_json($json) ;
my @array = @{$list};
my %obj = %{$_};
my $id = $obj{'auth'}{'link'};
my $name = $obj{'name'};
my $remotehost = $obj{'auth'}->{'remote'}{'host'}; #getting error