so i made a simple prog in visual studio.
When I closed down the project it was 100% working
Now having reopened the project it tells me there are errors and wont run
The error codes are CS0101 and CS0111
The prog looks like this
namespace ConsoleApp4
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Random rd = new Random();
double num01 = rd.Next(10,20);
double num02 = rd.Next(1,10);
double ans;
Console.WriteLine("~Press Any Key to Generate Numbers~");
Console.WriteLine($"What is {num01} divided by {num02}");
ans = Convert.ToDouble (Console.ReadLine());
if (ans == (num01/num02))
Console.WriteLine($"Congratulations you are correct!! {num01/num02}
~Press Any Key to try again~");
goto Start;
Console.WriteLine($"You are incorrect! The correct answer is {num01/num02} ~Press Any Key to try again~");
goto Start;
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