I guess I need some eyeballs on this to make some sense of this
(println record)
(println (keys record) " - " (class record) " : " (:TradeId record) (:Stock record))
(doall (map #(println "Key " % "Value " (% record)) (keys record)))
{:Stock ATT, :AccountId 1, :TradeId 37, :Qty 100, :Price 117, :Date 2011-02-24T18:30:00.000Z, :Notes SPLIT 1:10, :Type B, :Brokerage 81.12}
(:Stock :AccountId :TradeId :Qty :Price :Date :Notes :Type :Brokerage) - clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap : nil ATT
Key :Stock Value ATT
Key :AccountId Value 1
Key :TradeId Value 37
The issue is (:TradeId record)
doesn't work even though it exists as a key. Iterating through all keys and values - Line 3 - yields the right value.
Tried renaming the column in the csv but no change in behavior. I see no difference from the other columns (which work) except that this is the first column in the csv.
The hashmap is created from code like this - reading records from a CSV. Standard code from the clojure.data.csv package.
(->> (csv/read-csv reader)
(map #(my-function some-args %))
(defn csv-data->maps
"Return the csv records as a vector of maps"
(map zipmap
(->> (first csv-data) ;; First row is the header
(map keyword) ;; Drop if you want string keys instead
(rest csv-data)))
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66058835/why-doesnt-this-keyword-function-lookup-work-in-a-hashmap