selectedfood = tk.StringVar()
foodselectionUI = ttk.Combobox(homeUI, width = 27, textvariable = selectedfood)
foodselectionUI['values'] = ("None", "Nasi Ayam", "Maggi Mee Goreng", "Wan Tan Mee", "Nasi Lemak","Nasi Ayam Tiga Rasa", "Ayam Goreng", "Sushi", "Burger Special","Vega Bao", "Kari Ayam Bao","select food") = 10, y = 125, width = 150)
this is my code ?? and this picture is my tkinter UI??
may i know how to get my selection
for example if user choose 'sushi' i can get it as my textvariable
i didnt get my output using this way
i get this thing PY_VAR1