I have written this logistic regression code.
# training loop
w0 = -1
w1 = 1
b = 1
a = 0.5
epochs = 50000
for i in range(epochs):
# loop over all the points to calculate the gradient
dw0 = 0
dw1 = 0
db = 0
for point in data:
x0 = point[0]
x1 = point[1]
y = point[-1]
z = (w0 * x0) + (w1 * x1) + b
# print(z)
a = 1/(1 + np.exp(-z)) # sigmoid
# print(a)
dz = a - y # dz = dL/dz (derivative of loss function wrt z)
dw0 += dz * x0
dw1 += dz * x1
db += dz
dw0 /= len(data) # av. val over all data points
dw1 /= len(data)
db /= len(data)
# gradient descent step
w0 = w0 - (a * dw0)
w1 = w1 - (a * dw1)
b = b - (a * db)
print(w0, w1, b)
But the thing is that the output is unaffected by a(learning rate). I changed the value of a to 6 and still got the same values for w0,w1 and b after 50,000 epochs. I am not sure but I think this is because of the gradients(dw0,dw1,db)? They are too small and not changing??? or Is there some other issue with the implementation?? How can I improve this implementation? Also, what's the best way to choose initial values for w1,w2,b?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66050981/logistic-regression-implementation-using-nn