language Kotlin.
Currently, it is being integrated with Spring Boot and postgreSQL. However, it works well until I check it with postman, but I cannot connect. Can you please tell me where is wrong?
data class UserProfile(
val id: String,
var pw: String,
var name: String,
var birth: String
class UserController {
private var userMap: MutableMap<String, UserProfile> = mutableMapOf()
fun init() {
userMap["id1"] = UserProfile("id1", "password1", "name1", "birth1")
userMap["id2"] = UserProfile("id2", "password2", "name2", "birth2")
userMap["id3"] = UserProfile("id3", "password3", "name2", "birth3")
@GetMapping(path = ["/user/{id}"])
fun getUserInfo(@PathVariable("id") id: String) = userMap[id]
@GetMapping(path = ["user/all"])
fun getUserInfoAll() = ArrayList<UserProfile>(userMap.values)
@PutMapping(path = ["/user/{id}"])
fun putUserInfo(@PathVariable("id") id: String, @RequestParam("pw") pw: String,
@RequestParam("name") name: String, @RequestParam("birth") birth: String)
{ val userInfo = UserProfile(id, pw, name, birth)
userMap[id] = userInfo }
@PostMapping(path = ["/user/{id}"])
fun postUserInfo(
@PathVariable("id") id: String, @RequestParam("pw") pw: String,
@RequestParam("name") name: String, @RequestParam("birth") birth: String
) {
val userInfo = userMap[id]
userInfo?.pw = pw
userInfo?.name = name
userInfo?.birth = birth
@DeleteMapping(path = ["/user/{id}"])
fun deleteUserInfo(@PathVariable("id") id: String) = userMap.remove(id)
interface UserProfileMapper {
@get:Select("SELECT * FROM UserProfile")
val userProfileList:List<UserProfile>
@Select("SELECT * FROM UserProfile WHERE id=#{id}")
fun getUserProfile(@Param("id") id:String):UserProfile
@Insert("INSERT INTO UserProfile VALUES(#{id}, #{name}, #{phone}, #{address})")
fun insertUserProfile(@Param("id") id:String, @Param("name") name:String, @Param("phone") phone:String, @Param("address") address:String):Int
@Update("UPDATE UserProfile SET name=#{name}, phone=#{phone}, address=#{address} WHERE id=#{id}")
fun updateUserProfile(@Param("id") id:String, @Param("name") name:String, @Param("phone") phone:String, @Param("address") address:String):Int
@Delete("DELETE FROM UserProfile WHERE id=#{id}")
fun deleteUserProfile(@Param("id") id:String):Int
All of my files. It is determined that there is no problem in pom.xml and is not uploaded.
@Select("SELECT * FROM UserProfile WHERE id=#{id}")
I want to put the id of the following sentence fun in the id here, but unlike Java, the conversion does not work well. Please help.
Thank you for reading the long article. Have a good day.