I have a Json model that looks like this
private class SearchMetadataJson
public string entertain { get; set; }
public string master { get; set; }
public string memail { get; set; }
public string key { get; set; }
public (int, string)[] mood { get; set; }
public int? soundnumber { get; set; }
public int? ftv { get; set; }
public int? com { get; set; }
public (int, string)[] sims { get; set; }
public (int, string)[] keysecond { get; set; }
public string popt { get; set; }
public (string, string) syncs { get; set; }
And I try to de-serialize the object like this
var CommentObj = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<SearchMetadataJson>(CommentAsString);
The data that I'm trying to de-serialize (aka "CommentAsString") looks like this
"{"entertain":"PEG","master":"Phos Ent Group","memail":"[email protected]","key":"Db","mood":{"1":"TypeA","4":"TypeB","5":"TypeC"},"soundnumber":"5","ftv":"4","com":"3","sims":{"1":"Band1","2":"Band2"},"keysecond":{"1":"KeyWord1","2":"KeyWord2","3":"KeyWord3"},"syncs":{"Other pubber":"[email protected]"}}"
Does anyone see what the problem is?
The integers in CommentAsString
are variables and will be different every time the function is called so I can't make a Json Object that has a key value of a particular integer.