I have a Flutter TextField which gets covered by the soft keyboard when the field is selected. I need to scroll the field up and out of the way when the keyboard is displayed. This is a pretty common problem and a solution is presented in this StackOverflow post.
I think I have the ScrollController part figured out but how do I detect when the TextField has been selected? There doesn't appear to be any event method (e.g. onFocus(), onSelected(), onTap(), etc).
I tried wrapping the TextField in a GestureDetector but that didn't work either -- apparently the event was never captured.
new GestureDetector(
child: new TextField(
decoration: const InputDecoration(labelText: 'City'),
onTap: () => print('Text Selected'),
This is such a basic requirement that I know there must be an easy solution.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49341856/how-to-detect-when-a-textfield-is-selected-in-flutter