How to correctly marshal this C struct with pointer to array and pointer to pointer members in C# for use with 3rd party dll?
typedef struct SomeStruct {
uint8_t *data[8];
uint8_t **extended_data;
Is it all just IntPtr
and then you need to allocate the un-mamaged memory, copy data into it, and pin it? How would you do this if it's the case? The struct gets initialized through a function inside dll.
In python this is how I'd wrap and use this struct:
class SomeStruct(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('data', POINTER(c_uint8) * 8),
('extended_data', POINTER(POINTER(c_uint8)))
dll = ctypes.CDLL("lib.dll")
some_struct = SomeStruct()
# or example 2
alloc_struct_fce = dll.alloc_struct
alloc_struct_fce.restype = ctypes.POINTER(SomeStruct) # specify return type
some_stryct_ptr = alloc_struct_fce() # this gets passed to other dll functions
Trying to find a C# equivalent.