Been learning GDScript and trying to make a simple platformer game. I've tried implementing WallJumping, but it is not working.
This is the logic: Character has ray casts on it that detect collision. when collision is detected, it resets "Jump_Left" (so it can double jump) And adds Motion.x on the opposite direction of the collision. (So the character jumps away from the wall)
It is not adding the motion.x. And character is jumping up normally.
if Input .is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept") and jumps_left > 0:
if motion.y > 0: motion.y = 0
motion.y = PULO_ALT
jumps_left -= 1
### Wall Jump
if not is_on_floor() and Na_Parede_Esq():
motion.x += WALLSPEED
if not is_on_floor() and Na_Parede_Dir():
motion.x -= WALLSPEED
if Input . is_action_just_released("ui_accept") and motion.y < 0:
motion.y = 0
if not is_on_floor() :
Yall have any ideas ?
(I know raycast is working, since it prints "Esquerda" and "Direita")
question from: