Let’s assume we have two micro-services: companies API and accounts API.
We also have a dashboard that displays some data and visualizations about accounts.
The dashboard includes three widgets (for simplification):
Widget 1 - A table of accounts filtered by some criteria, for example, shows only pending accounts. It also displays a few columns related to the account's company properties.
Widget 2 - A piechart that displays a breakdown of accounts by one of the account’s properties.
Widget 3 - Another chart that shows a breakdown of the accounts by a company.
Theoretically, all of the widgets in the dashboard display data about the same entity - accounts.
Now, I would like to ask about two approaches for fetching and displaying the accounts in the UI:
The general REST endpoint approach
- Create one general endpoint for fetching accounts.
- Create one general endpoint for fetching companies.
- Fetch all of the accounts once the user enters the page.
- Fetch all of the companies once the user enters the page.
- Let each widget manipulate, filter, and join data based on its needs.
- Most of the logic lies in the frontend.
The REST endpoint per widget approach
- Create an endpoint per widget that returns all the relevant data for a specific widget, already filtered, manipulated, and joined for the widget needs.
- Each widget calls its endpoint and displays the data.
- Most of the logic lies in the backend.
My questions are:
- What are the pros and cons of each approach?
- In which case would you choose one way over the other?
- Are there any other ideas for addressing this use case?