I'm trying to develop a python script, which scrapes information on Amazon.
So I'm looking for an Amazon product: https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B07Y7D13DD
And then I have this page with a captha: https://www.amazon.com/errors/validateCaptcha
I succeed in extracting the image of the captcha:
images =soup.find('div',{"class":"a-row a-text-center"})
captcha_image = (images.find('img').attrs['src'])
Then I succeed in getting the captcha's code:
captcha = AmazonCaptcha.fromlink(captcha_image)
solution = captcha.solve()
Now how can I post the code, to solve the captcha?
Thank you, have a good day.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65645081/python-how-to-post-captcha-code-with-requests