With nestJS rabbit MQ I use RPC from one server to another one. What I basically want is await this.amqpConnection.request
to reject the promise when the consumer throw an error. As I understand from this and this and this documentation when you NACK (negative ack) the message it should put the RPC response to a corresponding queue with an error information which would be passed to a client. Here's some code example:
import { AmqpConnection } from '@golevelup/nestjs-rabbitmq';
let amqpConnection: AmqpConnection;
sendMessage(payload: any) {
try {
const result = await this.amqpConnection.request({
exchange: 'user',
routingKey: 'test',
queue: 'test',
} catch (e) {
console.error(e); // I expect this flow !!!
exchange: 'user',
routingKey: 'test',
queue: 'test',
errorBehavior: MessageHandlerErrorBehavior.NACK
public async rpcHandler(payload: any): Promise<any> {
throw Error("Error text that should be proxied to console.error"):
But the message doesn't even return to the client. Client gets rejected after a timeout, rather because of an error during consumer processing. If my understanding is not correct I would like to know if there's a builtin mechanism with nestjs to reject the message w/o manually creating some response types for an error and handling it on a client.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65643952/nest-rabbitmq-rpc-nack-doesnt-reject-the-promise