I'm working on a big project using laravel API and Nuxt Js, never used API before and having concerns regarding the safety of the website.
I'm using JWT (JSON Web Token Authentication for Laravel).
for example when a user updates it's profile password, there is a password and oldpassword with user Id (taken from Nuxt/Auth) sent to API, I'm wondering how safe is it? can some one intercept the request and change ID to another user's ID? this would allow them to change data for other people or post other stuff without accessing other peoples account. if it's not safe, how can this be prevented?
due to only authenticating via nuxt/auth using jwt, there is no authentication validating on server side for other requests beside logging in, should I implement laravel Auth also for login and Auth::check() for every single request?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65641257/security-concern-using-nuxt-js-and-laravel-api