I am reviewing an existing script using sed commands in cshell, and I understand all of it except one component. I have simplified it down for sharing an example but below, $templateFile is used as input, and all instances of "hello" are replaced with "world", and once this is done, it is output to the output directory and named with the output file name.
sed -e 's:hello:world:g' <"$templateFile"> "$outputDir"/"$outputFileName".txt
However, I don't understand what the <> around "$templateFile" is doing? Why is it necessary to have the <> for a sed input file? In all descriptions of sed, I can't find an explanation for what purpose this might be serving so I am a bit confused.
I understand this is a simple question, but I cannot find an answer online and I'd appreciate any clarification here. Thank you.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65602567/what-does-filevariablename-do-in-csh