I am using Es 6.8 and since my return doc for a query is >10K so i switch to use the scoll query
the query i make in Jupyter notebook is
response = es.search(
scroll='5m' )
scroll_id = response['_scroll_id']
while len(response['hits']['hits']):
response = es.scroll(scroll_id=scroll_id, scroll='10m')
however, it shows error :
RequestError(400, 'no handler found for uri [/test/id/_search/scroll?scroll=10m] and method [POST]', 'no handler found for uri [/test/id/_search/scroll?scroll=10m] and method [POST]') ?
it seems my second query appear an error.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65540896/how-to-perform-scoll-query-in-elasticsearch