I am very new to python and I want to generate a PDF file using the FPDF library. with this library, I can create a table cell by cell so when I put two cells next to each other and one of them has more text than the other, the borders don't show correctly. I want something like an excel sheet so when one cell grows up the cell next to it also adjust its height. I wrote the following method to calculate the height of text and add ' ' to the shorter text so they become equal in height but it doesn't work well, especially when cell content crosses end of the page and goes to a new page.
def heightFix(firstText, secondText):
global height
# I try to use the length of text to find out how many lines it is
numberOfLine = len(firstText)
numberOfLine2 = len(secondText)
# I considered every 59 character as one line
if numberOfLine > 59:
numberOfLine = math.floor(numberOfLine/59)
numberOfLine = 0
if numberOfLine2 > 59:
numberOfLine2 = math.ceil(numberOfLine2/59)
numberOfLine2 = 0
# I count the number of enters in text, sometimes I have a text which is short in length but
# it has many enter. in this case I will use number of enters as my indicator
enters = secondText.count('
') + 1
value = numberOfLine2 - numberOfLine
value = int(value)
if enters > value:
newLine = ''
for x in range(enters):
newLine += '
height = newLine
elif value > 1:
newLine = ''
for x in range(value):
newLine += '
height = newLine
height = ""
and I use this method in the following way to create a row of values with the same height:
ybefore = pdf.get_y()
specialTrainingTitle = '2. I have special training in the following: '
specialTraining = 'this is a text that can be very long in multiple lines, I should also consider
enters in this text'
heightFix(specialTrainingTitle, specialTraining)
pdf.multi_cell(effective_page_width/2, 7, specialTrainingTitle + height, 1, 0, 'L')
pdf.set_xy(effective_page_width/2 + pdf.l_margin, ybefore)
pdf.multi_cell(effective_page_width/2, 7, specialTraining, 1, 0, 'L')
following are screenshot of the form that I print
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65907115/dynamic-cell-height-using-fpdf-in-python